Lots of things have been done to help solve the gender pay gap. Existing solutions include raising the minimum wage and passing a national paid family and medical leave insurance program. Raising the minimum wage will help hardworking women better support their families.
Democrats in Congress legislation republic controls congress now and is trying to pass a law to make it easier to sue employees when someone finds out they are getting paid less than a man. The Center of American Progress said "The current federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour, which means someone working full time, year-round earns only $15,080 a year. That is below the poverty threshold for any family with children and not far above the poverty line for a single person".
Many Organizations are trying to make the gender pay gap go away. The (AAUW) American Association of University Women believes that the salary should always be equal. Jobs are a matter of simple fairness. AAUW is trying to fight the gender pay gap and open doors for women in the workplace.
This graph represents how much money women get paid compared to men around the world. The right side (the blue side) represents how much a man gets paid. The left side (the red side) represents how much a woman would get paid for the same amount of work.
The Fifa world cup has a giant gender pay gap. In 2014 the men champions team made $35 Million. In 2014 the women champion team only make $2 million. This means that the men and women both won the same world cup but the men team one $33 million more money than the women. We chose this graph because this is a great example of one of many dramatically large gender pay gaps. Women's champions in the world cup make only 5.7% of what men's champions make. We know this because 2/35=x/100.
Most of us in 7th grade don't think very much about the gender wage gap that is currently affecting the lives of millions; therefore, we don't realize the impact that this world wide issue can make. The gender wage gap or gender pay gap is the difference in pay between a man and a woman. On average, if a white man makes one dollar, a white woman will make 80 cents. Race also affects how much a man or a woman is paid, and this is affecting millions of people daily. If a white man was paid $1, an Asian woman would get paid 90 cents, a black woman would get 69 cents, and Latina woman would only get paid 57 cents (AAUW). That means an Asian woman would get paid 90% of what a white man would, a white woman would get paid 80% of what a white man would, a black woman would get paid 69% of what a white man would , and a Latina woman would get paid only 57% percent of what a man would. That is almost half of what a man would make. We know this because can be converted to the percent 57% by dividing the numerator by the denominator, and multiplying by 100 ((57/100)*100). We learned this in our math unit of percents.
These problems have lasted an incredibly long time, and have improved a lot, but things are still bad and if the gender wage gap keeps shrinking at the rate it has been from 2001, women's and men's wages will not be equal until 2152 ( The gender wage gap is caused by multiple things.
This graph shows that if a man made $1.00 then a White women would make 77 cents, a black women would make 69 cents and a Latina women would only make 67 cents. This graph is good for teaching people about the pay gap not just between men and women but also race.
Most of us in 7th grade don't think very much about the gender wage gap that is currently affecting the lives of millions, therefore we don't realize the impact that this world wide issue can make.
This issue is mainly caused by past inequalities. In the early 1900s, women were to stay at home to clean, cook, and care for their children while men did all the work ( Because some employers still think of women of weak and not meant to do actual work like men, they pay women less.
Another cause for this issue is women having children. When women have children, they need to take a break off from work for a while to heal and care for their kids. When women are at home, they usually can't work, and according to some employers, don't get as much experience as men who are working.
Having children can also cause women to have to take more days off and leave work early more than men, therefore not getting as many hours in. Most of the time women make up these hours, but sometimes their employers can still see them as trying to slack off or not focused enough, just because they have to care for their children.
Jobs that attract women such as nurses and teachers are usually low paying jobs, and higher pay jobs such as law and doctors are usually men. Even though the causes and effects may seem daunting, they are programs that have been made to help draw attention to this issue and are trying their best to close the gender pay gap.
A really big problem that usually makes business owners pay women less than men is because women are usually the ones who cook, clean and have to pick up there kids at school. For our solution, we decided that there should be a day care at various locations around Wake County. The day care will have a bus that picks their child up at school and drops them off at the day care. Most women have to spend about an hour picking up their kids dropping them off at home and then coming back to work. With (SDC) Smiling Day Care women will spend more time at work and business owners will know they are working the same amount of time men are.
Lots of jobs are stereotypical to men and women. Teachers and babysitters and nurses are usually women and Doctors and Physicians are usually men. This graph is showing you how many women are babysitters and how few men are babysitters. This graph is a good graph for the gender pay gap because it's showing that even if there are more women babysitters than men, men still get paid more the women.
This graph is also showing you how many men are physicians compared to how many women. In 2016 Specialties in physicians who are men make about $324,000 a year and women only make $242,000 a year. This means that women make $282,000 less than men a year. This is a good graph for the gender pay gap because it is showing how little women get paid to men even if they are practicing in the same profession in the same year.